plugin.tx_cookies { view { # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/file//10; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE) templateRootPath = EXT:cookies/Resources/Private/Templates/ # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE) partialRootPath = EXT:cookies/Resources/Private/Partials/ # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE) layoutRootPath = EXT:cookies/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } settings { # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//10; type=boolean; label=Permanent:Display small button to show cookie hints and settings again. showPermanent = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//20; type=boolean; label=Cookie disabling:Allow disabling of cookies. disable = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//30; type=boolean; label=Show warning:Show warning with consequences when deactivating cookies. disableWarning = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//40; type=int+; label=Read more page:Page with more details. Generates a link to this page. pidReadmore = # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//50; type=int+; label=Page for process:Page for processing the deactivation of cookies and as fallback for browsers without JavaScript. It's highly recommended to set this page, else EXT:realurl generates many entries for speaking urls and you could get problems with cHash. pidProcess = 1 # cat=plugin.tx_cookies/other//60; type=int+; label=Cookie expire:Amount of days cookies are valid. expire = 365 } }